It knows it's doomed to lose; Life has been in billions of fights like this before, and has never once lost or even stepped out of the ring. It's more of a challenge to see how much dignity you can leave the ring with when you do eventually get the shit kicked out of you.
With that said, after reading blogs and lists like this one I decided to see if I could make one of my own. A list of things that happened in 2008, good or bad, things I achieved, and... If I can think of any... Some goals for 2009.
So without further ado, LET'S MAKE A FUCKING LIST.
In order of "Oh yeah I remember that..."
- Early on in the year I went to Sydney with two of my friends. We bought wingasmic headphones, ate Turkish food, then saw a shitty band play for a good two hours. Then NIGHTWISH came and curb-stomped the time wasting fuckrags into nonexistence, and proceeded to unleash wave after wave of epic and win upon the audience until everyone's ears came. Then we had Turkish food again, and got a taxi ride back to our hotel with one of the world's most awesome taxi drivers. Then we went home.
- I got my P plates in mid-January, then got rid of them about 6 months later.
- My body lost its KFC dependency right around the same time KFC lost its "train new employees before letting them work" policy.
- I became an adult. Legally at least. Mentally I'm yet to reach age 10.
- I got a Cert II in Screen and Animation. The result of the final "group" task I took part in can be seen here.
- I was introduced to the wonderful world of Metalocalypse.
- I bought an iMac (which I then turned into a Windows/Mac hybrid), a PS3, an Xbox 360... again... and a small surround sound system. As a result of this, I completed my room.

- I attended my Graduation, which I strongly regret doing, seeing as how I had the option to come into school the following day and simply retreive my shit then. Instead I had to sit through 2 hours of "You people are smart. We like your shirts. Well done. We are proud of you. You are the future, make it delicious."
- I learned to treat 99% of mankind the same way I treat children. No big words, don't present them with overly complex problems, and stab them in the face with a boat anchor as soon as they start making loud and irritating noises.
- I made the biggest, most painful, most story driven, most gruelling, and most time consuming Flash cartoon I have ever worked on, and met a deadline with it too. It was shown to an audience, they seemed to enjoy it, I'd seen it too many times to appreciate it anymore.
- I voted for the first time. It was really boring. Hopefully come next election the Australian Sex Party will still be in the running.
- I got accepted into the Academy of Interactive Entertainment. More on that in a month or two, I guess.
- I made a deviantART account. I'm surprised I haven't been banned for internet-pollution or something.
- I found an actual term for that thing that most teenagers seem to love, and I don't see the appeal of: Social Drama.
- I was given a barbeque minutes before I left for school on a cold and boring September morn. It confused the hell out of me. Turns out Mum had ordered it.
- I learned that when you are over at someone's house and everyone else is drinking, you should drink a lot less. The reason? It's a hell of a lot of fun (and incredibly easy) to trick/convince your alcohol fueled buddies to comically injure or humiliate themselves for the amusement of the non-pissants.
What I may or may not achieve, in order of likeliness:
- Find where the AIE is and successfully make it there in time for class.
- Acquire a small collection of decent PS3 games.
- Take slightly better care of myself (i.e. Exercise occasionally)
- Learn some more Spanish.
- I may be forced to actually go out and get laid because Steven Conroy's idiotic web filter will have stolen our porn. Hopefully that won't happen.
- Become a mature and sensible person. (Yeah right.)
Right, that's all for now. For the 2 or 3 people who read this, they'll notice that I actually posted it on the 9th of January. But you must realise that I am the GOD of this blog. I can travel back in time and post it at the turn of the new year. MWAHAHAHA!!!
Happy New Year, bitches.
- Squirrel245
*Is it green?*
"Yes. Very."
- Jeremy Clarkson reviewing the Ford Fiesta
I enjoyed the quote.
ReplyDelete"I may be forced to actually go out and get laid because Steven Conroy's idiotic web filter will have stolen our porn."
And I had to make another email, cus a dickhole hacked my last one. :P
So ya..
[the Mole's french accent/] ADD ME NOW, BEETCHES. D=< [/the Mole's french accent]