I don't actually have anything to blog about, but the mood has compelled me to put something up here anyway. And that something is as follows:
I am going to type out the lyrics to "Duncan Hills Coffee Jingle" by Dethklok. Twice.
The first one is by hand, no problem at all, just so you have a reference.
The second time though, I am going to type it out using the headstock of a guitar. I won't even attempt to use proper punctuation (that would be too much of a mindfuck), and I won't hit backspace either.
And here's the guitar I'm gonna use:

Do you folks like coffee?
Real coffee, from the hills of Columbia?
Then Duncan Hills will wake you
From a thousand deaths
A cup of blackened blood
(Die! Die!)
You're dying for a cup.
Guatemalan Blend
French Vanilla Roast
(Die! Die!)
You're dying for a cup.
Prepare for ultimate flavour...
You're gonna get some... NOW.
And scream, for your cream.
Duncan, Hills,
Duncan, Hills,
Duncan, Hills,
Guitar (wish me luck):
do yoou folks like coffee
real coffee, from tthe hills ofr columbiaa
then duncan hillls will wke yo0uu
from a thyousaqand de3eaqthys
a ccup of blackenede blood
die die youre dying for a cup
guatemalan bl43end
frrencfh vanillqa roaqwst6
die die youre3 dying for aa cup
prepare for uulo5ti9mqate flavour
youre gonna get some now
ande scre3qam for your cream
duncaqqn hillws
dunhcaqn hills
edunjcqanj hills
SWEET... MOTHER OF... ALL THAT IS AWESOME that was harder than I thought it would be.
But I did it regardless! VICTORY FOR ME!... sort of.
Oh and umm... saw this today too:

So uh... HAIL SATAN I guess.
- Squirrel245
"I don't play World of Warcraft"
"...Butters, you said you were on your computer all the time."
"Yeah, but I'm playing Hello Kitty Island Adventure."
- Butters Stotch and Eric Cartman
ReplyDeleteHey, you spelt Ethiopian OK...
And jaz: Ass biting god?
Thats new...