Monday, June 23, 2008


As at least one of you may know, I work as a checkout chap at Woolworths. After almost 2 years of this, I've lost all faith in mankind, lost all feeling in my legs on no less than 8 occasions, and had a lot of time to think.

But, as you all should know, I'm not big on the idea of inflicting pain on myself, so I don't think very often.


A couple of days ago, there was a small spark of brain activity. For that one moment, instead of an arm-waving zoned out sponge, I was an arm-waving zoned out sponge with an IDEA.

The store was consequently evacuated and the area around my register was cordoned off until the end of my shift.

The thought in question came when the number of customers in the store suddenly exploded, followed by frequent calls of "EXPRESS ALERT - ALL CHECKOUT TRAINED OPERATORS TO THE REGISTERS" to stop the gormless fuckers from starting a riot while waiting to be served.

While my arms did their job of scanning crap and stuffing it into bags, my eyes took in the chaos in its entirety. It was then that I thought to myself:

"This is like a zombie movie or something... Ouch! Fuck! Thinking! Stop!"

I decided to build on that thought. And so, I am compelled to announce...

Starting wednesday, and ending... next wednesday, I will write a daily diary entry about a miscellaneous supermarket employee who is struggling to survive the daily onslaught of customers a.k.a. ZOMBIES. He is not alone in his fight for survival however - other staff members are with him, each one trying to ensure that they all live through the day.

Their will is strong, but the custombies come by the thousands...

How long will they last?


"Don't ask why
Don't be sad
Sometimes we all must alter paths we planned."

- "Lost & Damned" by Kamelot


  1. Well, this sounds entertaining - it'll be a real life story for me - oh the joys of Woolworths employment.

  2. Amen. You'll probably understand it better than most people anyway =P

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. W-wait...
    I think I just had a strange thought. Around a year ago I went to a Woolworths in ACT...
    Is it possible I've seen you before in real life? It's rather unlikely, though.

  5. *whew*
    Okayz, good. Not that I wouldn't have liked to see you in r/l it's just.. that would've been hella stramge & kind of scary. XD Yeah, I change my template every like 2 hours because I have nothing better to do with my ife. :)


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